Saturday, December 15, 2007

When BFF gets trouble

There are three important things in my life and beside from God and my's my friends who completes the three. I have lots of friends and I can't even count them at all. I really love my friends. I really care for them. It's impossible for a person not to have a friend. It's needed, and actually our life if ever no one is there for you.

Our friends understand all
. Good or damn, they
're always there. However, a couple of bumps in the road of friendship are unavoidable. Don't let these detours make you break and lose your way. Just remember that with each other, you and your friend can still mark the word "BFF 4EVER".


I've been breathing for 14 years already and I already encountered many...many problems when it comes to my best friend. And I overcame all of these just by myself and in just believing. As far as I'm concerned, there are 3 big friendship problems that I encountered. And I solved it hardly but effectively.

"My best friend has a new pal"

If you think about it, having other friends isn't bad at all. And if you are experiencing the feeling to be left out. Don't bother too much. It's natural that your best friend could find another friend. But of course, you may feel bit uneasy when another person suddenly steps into BFF circle with you.


*You and your best friend must have a better communication. Talk to your best friend. Tell him/her that, you miss being her sole bestfriend tremendously, though you're jealous that she/he has a new buddy.

*Don't get jealousy get in the way of your friendship. You're her best friend for a reason, you've got qualities and quirks she/he likes and that no one else has.

*Ask her what's the problem. No one knows if the problem is in you.

"Such a copy cat!"

Though it's nice having matching best friend items, you still like having your own identitiy, right?. I know and you know that copying and modeling you is flattering but it's also irritating.


*Sit down with her/him and tell the problem about this but in a respectful way. "NO OFFENDING"...the no.1 rule. Saying "STOP COPYING ME LOOSER!" at the top of your lungs is not an applicable option.

*Since he/ she is obviously looking up to you. Help her find your friend's own uniqueness.

"I spilled my BEST FRIEND'S SECRET!"

You said you'd keep your lips zipped, but somehow you still broke your promise and let the big secret slipped. Breaking someone's trust is the hardest part of all. A good promise that has turned into damn words is so complicated.


*The absolute best you can do is to apologize. If she/he gets mad, be humble and patient by giving your best friend time to let off some steam. Your best friend will appreciate it more if you own up to it than if you hide it and pretend you didn't make a mistake.

*Wait until he/she is ready to talk you again. Remember, you are the one at fault, so you can't be the one who decides when you think it's time for your best friend to forgive you.

*Make it a personal and forever resolution to watch what you say. A promise is something that should be kept. Do your best to keep it that way.


Enduring the good and bad times are part of being best friends. Getting through a few friendship blunders will definitely result in a lasting friendship because you've shown each other that absolutely nothing can break your bond.

I'll always remember that the prime purposes of a friendship are happiness and forgiving.


Anonymous said...

nyc post
i've been waiting for this
post about friendship

"copy cat"

kilala mo yun 04

McEffie said...

ayhee..c lulu..inspired..hehe

aztg ung post ah...


totoo nmn lhat eh..

..go luch..ehehe